Nnational defense authorization act 2008 pdf download

The national defense authorization act ndaa offers congress its most significant single opportunity to weigh in on defense policy issues. Senate on december 15, 2011, and was signed into united states law on december 31, 2011, by president barack. The national defense authorization act ndaa is the name for each of a series of united states federal laws specifying the annual budget and expenditures of the u. The 2008 national defense authorization act amended the fmla to allow the use of leave for any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that an employees spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty in the armed forces. On january 28, 2008, president bush signed into law h. Awaiting president obamas signature, sections 827 and 828 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 20 ndaa would enhance the whistleblower protections of contractor and subcontractor employees for the department of defense dod and national aeronautics and space administration nasa, and establish a 4year pilot program to strengthen whistleblower. Congress oversees the defense budget primarily through two yearly bills. Defense authorization act of 2009 flag etiquette united states code, chapter 1 as adopted by the national flag conference, washington, d. To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for military activities of the department of defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the department of energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. Under the 2008 national defense authorization act, members of the reserve component who served at least 90 days during a fiscal year on a deployment in support of overseas operations such as the iraq or afghanistan campaigns are authorized to retire three months early for each 90 day period they served in any given fiscal year.

Extension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2008 project. Ordered to be printed bajohnson on prod1pc69 with hearing verdate aug 31 2005 06. In section 1021 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2012 ndaa, pub. President signs public law 110181, the national defense. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2012. The sixth amendment preservation act, not only does it repeal the ndaa, which wed always been concerned about, it actually repeals the underlying authority. National defense authorization act of 2008 public policy. The ndaa passed the house on december 4 and the senate on december 12 and is. The duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009, h. National defense authorization act for fiscal year. Duncan hunter national defense authorization act for. F it is therefore fitting this act, the last national defense authorization act of his tenure, be named in chairman. To provide for the enactment of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008, as previously enrolled, with certain modifications to address the foreign sovereign immunities provisions of title 28, united states code, with respect to the attachment of property in.

The fy2008 national defense authorization act every crs report. This publication is a compilation of the text of public law 166. Videos about the national defense authorization act, its provisions, and what it. The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 1994 contained section 1122, which allows state and local governments to purchase new law enforcement type equipment suitable for counterdrug, counter terrorism, homeland security and first responder activities through the federal government. The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009, s. President george bush signed the national defense authorization act of 2008 public law 110181 on january 28, 2008. Section 4 of the duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009 public law 110417. The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in s. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008. Speaking with the alex jones show today, congressman paul went on the offensive against the bill, which is set to be signed into law by president obama. Section 3116 from national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2005 public law 108375 oct. Selected military personnel policy issues each year, the senate and house armed services committees report their respective versions of the national defense authorization act ndaa. On the wednesday before thanksgiving, president obama quietly signed into law one of the biggest defense reform bills in decades.

S 3001 pl 110417, fy 2009 national defense authorization act was signed into law october 14, 2008. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives. The overall purpose of the law is to authorize funding for the defense of the united states and its interests abroad, for military construction, and for national securityrelated energy programs. To provide for the enactment of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008, as previously enrolled, with certain modifications to address the foreign sovereign immunities provisions of title 28, united states code, with respect to the attachment of property in certain judgements against iraq, the lapse of statutory authorities for the payment. The house version of the national defense authorization act for fiscal. Defense bill establishes martial law in america new. The national defense authorization act ndaa for fiscal year 2012 pub. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 20 dkrause on dskht7xvn1prod with kath verdate mar 15 2010. An act to provide for the enactment of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008, as previously enrolled, with certain modifications to address the foreign sovereign immunities provisions of title 28, united states code, with respect to the attachment of property in certain judgments against iraq, the lapse of statutory authorities for the payment of bonuses, special pays.

National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2005. Each year, congress authorizes the budget of the department of defense through a national defense authorization act ndaa. Chairman mckeon had said it has been the privilege of his life to shepherd that tradition under his tenure. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2012 legislative. Rock out to these at home, put these tracks in the background at your protest, and hand them out to friends. The house armed services committee considers the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2018 and several proposed amendments to the legislation. The national defense authorization act and military. The item duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009 represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in indiana state library. The ndaa is a huge federal law that among other things specifies. National defense authorization act debate politics.

Executive summary this report is provided consistent with section 1209 oftbc nllional defense autborizatioo act noaa for fis part 3. Internet for download, reproduction, performance, or distribution. A copy of the national defense authorization act of 2002 can be found on the act eeoicpa page of our website. The national defense authorization act of 20 passed the senate with a 980 vote. The bill authorizes funding levels, military end strength, and personnel levels, as well as providing a forum for addressing the pressing policy questions of the day. Beginning february, 2012, they will be called issue briefs for the 50th consecutive year, the. Department of defense section 1209 of the ndaa for fy 2008. The national defense authorization act ndaa provides muchneeded resources for our troops and their families. Among other provisions, the law seeks to improve care and support for service members and veterans who sustain traumatic brain injury.

The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008 is a law in the united states signed by president george w. They contain numerous provisions that affect military personne l, retirees and their family members. The ndaa of 2012, however, is unlike any previous ones. There are still changes swirling around the senate, but this looks like the basic shape of the 2012 national defense authorization act. In the fy2008 national defense authorization act p. Top tier presidential candidate ron paul has decried the indefinite detention provision of the national defense authorization act, warning that it represents an arrogant, bold and dangerous attempt to establish martial law in america. On december 14, 2007, the senate passed by a vote of 90 to 3 the conference agreement resolving the differences between the housepassed and senatepassed versions of h. President signs public law 110181, the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008. A report detailing religious liberty violations in the military is released at a press conference on capitol hill 07.

Defense reform bill is biggest in decades, but more. The problem with the national defense authorization act. The ndaa modernizes the military health system to provide our wounded warriors, military service members, retirees, and their families with higherquality care, better access to care, and a better experience of care. To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for military. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008 division a. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2010.

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